Segunda parte / Como o planeta está a mudar

2.23 O Permafrost

Todas as fontes online foram acedidas no dia

  1. 75% dos hidratos pouco profundos da Terra Shakhova, N., et al., ‘Understanding the permafrost–hydrate system and associated methane releases in the east Siberian Arctic shelf’, Geosciences, 9 (6), 2019: Article 251,

  2. dez vezes mais depressa no planalto tibetano Gao, T., et al., ‘Accelerating permafrost collapse on the eastern Tibetan Plateau’, Environmental Research Letters, 16 (5), 2021: Article 054023,

    um aumento de temperatura de cerca de 10°C devido à sobreposição da água do mar Shakhova, N., et al., ‘Current rates and mechanisms of subsea permafrost degradation in the east Siberian Arctic shelf’, Nature Communications, 8, 2017: Article 15872,

  3. a libertação de metano de grandes câmaras submarinas Shakhova, N., et al., ‘Extensive methane venting to the atmosphere from sediments of the east Siberian Arctic shelf’, Science, 327 (5970), 2010: 1246–50,; Steinbach, J., et al., ‘Source apportionment of methane escaping the subsea permafrost system in the outer Eurasian Arctic shelf’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (10), 2021: Article e2019672118,