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2.18 As Florestas Boreais e as Florestas Temperadas

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  1. o número de subespécies é superior… latitudes mais elevadas Botero, C. A., et al., ‘Environmental harshness is positively correlated with intraspecific divergence in mammals and birds’, Molecular Ecology, 23 (2), 2014: 259–68,

    ocupam uma faixa circumpolar Wang, J. A., et al., ‘Disturbance suppresses the aboveground carbon sink in North American boreal forests’, Nature Climate Change, 11 (5), 2021: 435–41,

    367 a 1.716 gigatoneladas de carbono Merrill, M. D., et al., Federal Lands Greenhouse Emissions and Sequestration in the United States: Estimates for 2005–14, US Geological Survey scientific investigations report, 2018,

    8 a 13% da área florestal boreal usufrui de proteção efetiva Wells J. V., et al., ‘The state of conservation in North America’s boreal forest: issues and opportunities’, Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 3, 2020: Article 90,

    metade… destina-se à produção de madeira Gauthier, S., et al., ‘Boreal forest health and global change’, Science, 349 (6250), 2015: 819–22,

    A extração de madeira reduziu significativamente a extensão das florestas antigas Gauthier et al., ‘Boreal forest health and global change’.

    a exploração madeireira também reduziu a quantidade de carbono acumulado nas árvores Wang et al., ‘Disturbance suppresses the aboveground carbon sink’.

  2. a zona florestal boreal está a deslocar-se para norte Berner, L. T., and Goetz, S. J., ‘Satellite observations document trends consistent with a boreal forest biome shift’, Global Change Biology, 28 (10), 2022: 3275–92,

    os caribus do Canadá já se encontram todos Wells et al., ‘The state of conservation in North America’s boreal forest’.

    As florestas temperadas têm algumas das maiores densidades de carbono do mundo Law, B. E., et al., ‘Land use strategies to mitigate climate change in carbon dense temperate forests’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115 (14), 2018: 3663–8,; Keith, H., et al., ‘Re-evaluation of forest biomass carbon stocks and lessons from the world’s most carbon dense forests’, Proceedings National Academy of Sciences, 106 (28), 2009: 11635–40,

    múltiplas camadas de copado… sendo habitats essenciais Law, B. E., et al., ‘Strategic forest reserves can protect biodiversity and mitigate climate change in the western United States’, Communications Earth and Environment, 2, 2021: Article 254,; Buotte, P. C., et al., ‘Carbon sequestration and biodiversity co-benefits of preserving forests in the western United States’, Ecological Applications, 30 (2), 2020: Article e02039,; Keith et al., ‘Re-evaluation of forest biomass carbon stocks’.

  3. mais de sete vezes superior às emissões devidas a todas as causas naturais juntas Harris, N. L., et al., ‘Attribution of net carbon change by disturbance type across forest lands of the conterminous United States’, Carbon Balance and Management, 11, 2016: Article 24,

    as florestas do hemisfério norte… maiores sorvedouros de carbono Ciais, P., et al., ‘Empirical estimates of regional carbon budgets imply reduced global soil heterotrophic respiration’, National Science Review, 8 (2), 2021: Article nwaa145,

    O potencial global de mitigação… gestão florestal natural Griscom, B. W., et al., ‘Natural climate solutions’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114 (44), 2017: 11645–50,

    No oeste dos EUA, as florestas temperadas… potencial global de mitigação Buotte et al., ‘Carbon sequestration and biodiversity co-benefits’; Griscom et al., ‘Natural climate solutions’.

  4. permitiu que os escaravelhos atravessassem a divisão continental Kurz, W. A., et al., ‘Mountain pine beetle and forest carbon feedback to climate change’, Nature, 452 (7190), 2008: 987–90,

    permitiu que os escaravelhos atravessassem a divisão continental Cullingham, C. I., ed., ‘Mountain pine beetle host-range expansion threatens the boreal forest’, Molecular Ecology, 20 (10), 2011: 2157–71,

    A proteção florestal mantém o carbono nas florestas Law et al., ‘Strategic forest reserves can protect biodiversity’; Law et al., ‘Land use strategies to mitigate climate change’.

    Para atenuar as alterações climáticas Pörtner, H. O., et al., IPBES–IPCC Co-sponsored Workshop Report on Biodiversity and Climate Change, Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and Painel Intergovernamental sobre as Alterações Climáticas, 2021,