Part Four / What We’ve Done About It

4.19 The Cost of Consumerism

All online sources accessed on

  1. one third of all carbon emissions

  2. More than 60 per cent … stem from household demand Ivanova, D., et al., ‘Environmental impact assessment of household consumption’, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 20 (3), 2016: 526–36,

    with the most affluent bearing the greatest responsibility Wiedmann, T., et al., ‘Scientists’ warning on affluence’, Nature Communications, 11, 2020: Article 3107,

    An American one-per-center accounts for ten times Chancel, L., and Piketty, T., Chancel, L., and Piketty, T., Carbon and Inequality: From Kyoto to Paris. Trends in the Global Inequality of Carbon Emissions (1998–2013) and Prospects for an Equitable Adaptation Fund, Paris School of Economics working paper, 3 November 2015,

    A household in the US contains … 300,000 individual items Springer, S., ‘Why is it so hard to stop buying more stuff?’, Boston Globe, 18 May 2017,

  3. overwhelmed the beneficial effect of electric vehicles Cozzi, L., and Petropoulos, A., ‘Growing preference for SUVs challenges emissions reductions in passenger car market’, International Energy Agency, 15 October 2019,