Part Three / How it Affects Us

3.11 Climate Refugees

All online sources accessed on

  1. 19 per cent of the planet … might be uninhabitable Chi Xu, C., et al., ‘Future of the human climate niche’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (21), 3030: 11350–5,

  2. as many as 86 million more people displaced Rigaud, K. K., et al., Groundswell: Preparing for Internal Climate Migration
    , World Bank working paper, 19 March 2018,

    roughly 89 million people … internally displaced Clement, V., et al., Groundswell Part Two: Acting on Internal Climate Migration
    , World Bank working paper, 13 September 2021,

    a figure that does not estimate how many will move northwards Rigaud et al, World Bank, Groundswell.

    Adding in the complexity of drought risk Lustgarten, A., and Jones, B., ‘About our climate migration model’, , ProPublica, 23 July 2020,; World Bank, Groundswell.