Part Five / What We Must Do Now

5.21 Mending Our Relationship with the Earth

All online sources accessed on

  1. 30 million people in 2020 were displaced Lavelle, M., ‘By 2050, 200 million climate refugees may have fled their homes. But international laws offer them little protection’, Inside Climate News, 2 November 2021,

  2. psychological well-being is strongly correlated with … birdsong Cockburn, H., ‘Hearing birdsong boosts human wellbeing, study confirms’, Independent, 16 December 2020,

  3. 80 per cent of the world’s remaining biodiversity IPBES, Global Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, ed. E. S. Brondizio et al., 2019,; International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs,

  1. ‘spirituality may be our chiefest adaptation’ Suzuki, D., et al., The Sacred Balance: Rediscovering Our Place in Nature (3rd edn, Vancouver: Greystone Books, 2007).