Part Five / What We Must Do Now

5.4 Overcoming Climate Apathy

All online sources accessed on

  1. ‘This is bad’ Rich, N., ‘Losing Earth: the decade we almost stopped climate change’, New York Times Magazine, 1 August 2018, .

    the ‘Five Ds’ of psychological defence Stoknes, P. E., ‘How to transform apocalypse fatigue into action’,, TED Talk, 2017,; Stoknes, P. E., What We Think about When We Try Not to Think about Global Warming: Toward a New Psychology of Climate Action (White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green, 2015), 81–4.

  2. ‘People are needed along a vast front’ Naess, A., ‘Deep Ecology of Wisdom’, in The Selected Works of Arne Naess, ed. H. Glasser et al. (Dordrecht: Springer, 2005), vol. 10, 86–7.

    We need people in finance and administration Stoknes, P. E., Tomorrow’s Economy: A Guide to Creating Healthy Green Growth (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2021).

  3. three quarters of people are deeply concerned Watts, J., ‘Humans “pushing Earth close to tipping point”, say most in G20’, Guardian, 16 August 2021, See also Leiserowitz, A., et al., International Public Opinion on Climate Change, Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, 28 June 2021,

    ‘By interacting with extreme misery’ Naess, A., ‘A Place of Joy in a World of Fact’ (1973), from There Is No Point of No Return (London: Penguin, 2021), 57..

    there are good reasons, too, to feel deep joy, enthusiasm and gratitude A good rule of thumb for climate communications is to share three innovative opportunities or actions for each threat or risk. This so-called ‘positivity ratio’ results in greater engagement and creativity. It allows the mental energy which is bound up in fear and worry to find a healthy outlet, moving people towards opportunity and action.