Part Two / How our Planet is Changing

2.19 Terrestrial Biodiversity


All online sources accessed on

  1. hunting helped to wipe out many large species of mammals Purvis, A., et al., ‘Status and trends – nature’, in IPBES, Global Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, ed. E. S. Brondizio et al., 2019,

    Many Indigenous peoples … still manage their land Ibid.; Ellis, E. C., ‘Land use and ecological change: a 12,000-year history’, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 46, 2021: 1–33,

    Our imprint … is visible even from space Watson, J. E. M., et al., ‘Catastrophic declines in wilderness areas undermine global environment targets’, Current Biology, 26 (21), 2016: 2929–34,

    we farm over 30 per cent of land, increasingly intensively Purvis et al., ‘Status and trends’.

    impacts … depend very much on where you look Foley, J. A., et al., ‘Global consequences of land use’, Science, 309 (5734), 2005: 570–74,; Purvis et al., ‘Status and trends’.

  2. In places where the third wave is well underway Díaz, S., et al., ‘Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative change’, Science, 366 (6471), 2019: Article eaax3100,

    global vegetation biomass and tree cover are both now only around half Purvis et al., ‘Status and trends’.

    Although intensive farming has increased agricultural production Díaz et al., ‘Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth’.

  3. the Bramble Cay mosaic-tailed rat Woinarski, J. C. Z., et al., ‘The contribution of policy, law, management, research, and advocacy failings to the recent extinctions of three Australian vertebrate species’, Conservation Biology, 31 (1), 2017: 13–23,

    not yet driving … as much biodiversity loss as humanity’s land use Otto-Pörtner, H., et al., IPBES–IPCC Co-sponsored Workshop Report on Biodiversity and Climate Change, Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2021,

    a vicious circle with climate change Ibid.